I know, last year, when I was talking about “Costume Initiative 2014”, I talked about a few costumes like N7 Armor from the video game, “Mass Effect”, redoing my X-Wing Pilot gear from “Star Wars”, losing weight and doing a jumpsuit from “Star Trek Enterprise”, and putting together a Vault Dweller/Armored Vault Jumpsuit from “Fallout 3”. The problem is, costumes cost money, and elaborate costumes cost even more money. The Geek has no money. However, every now and then, the Geek falls into something.
Late last year, a friend on the local “Star Wars” costuming boards mentioned that she was thinking about doing a group order of BDU’s to make some costumes from “Battlestar Galactica.” No, not the 70’s show, but the remake from ’04 to ’09. The BDU’s like these from Anovos, currently unavailable. Either way, I did some extra work, pinched some pennies, and dropped some money to her before Christmas for these BDU’s, and then proceeded to get caught up in life and not think much of it, until a few months ago when she got some of her stuff squared away and was posting pics of the BDU’s in a dye bath. This reminded me that I needed to get my butt in gear and start picking up the other pieces.
One of these pieces was just received this past weekend. Anovos, the makers of the BDU’s that I linked to above, also makes the Double Tank tops that, well, dang near EVERYBODY on the show wore:
The Premier Line, which is made using the exact fabrics, and runs a decent price ($64.95) for a quality piece, but for something that’s amounting to a hall costume that let’s me actually BE in costume at a convention, as opposed to a Hawaiian shirt and cargo shorts? Little bit too much for me. The fine crew at Anovos knows this, however, so that’s where the next piece comes into play.
The Standard Line ($39.95) is derived from the same patterns as the Double Tanks from the series, but they are 100% polyester and dyed to match the pieces. They still consist of two pieces, the grey sleeveless t-shirt underneath and the olive drab tank on top, and they look great for a simple costume, or if you’re just a fan and looking for something unique to wear around. Since I had some credit floating in Amazon, I went ahead and ordered one of these late last week, in a 2XL (the largest they have) based on a recommendation from the Awkward Geeks, who have this piece as well.
The box arrived on Sunday, and I was able to try on the shirt and get some pics. First things first, you know how they say things fit like a glove? This fits like a sausage casing! This is not a slam on the piece, it is, honestly, a polyester undershirt that is going on over a dude who’s 5’11” and 275 lbs. If you’re any taller, or any more rotund than me, this is right out for you, even as a 2XL. However, this is also giving me more reason to work out and exercise. Moving past that, this is a very nice piece. It comes in a large envelope, and is folded neatly inside. I pulled it out of the plastic and tried it on, and it was astounding. It’s the first time I’ve been able to put on any piece of a costume and just look at it since Halloween of 2009, and I have missed this! The quality for a “lower end” piece was high, and while I admit to not being the be-all and end-all of knowledge for BSG, I thought that this was a damn good looking piece, and I can’t wait to wear it to conventions this summer.
For those who don’t know, Anovos Productions out of California has the license for “Battlestar Galactica” gear, among other properties. They carry these Double Tanks, along with many other beautiful pieces from Star Trek and Ender’s Game, on their website. In the off chance that they read this: Hey, Joe! If you ever want a small time, mid-west Geek blogger to do some reviews of any of your “Star Trek” or new “Star Wars” stuff, let me know and I’ll shoot you my address!
The Standard Line Double Tank is available at the link above on their website in XL and 2XL, at The Novo Geek site in Large, XL, and 2XL, and of course at my Amazon Affiliate Link in Medium, Large, XL, and 2XL. These are a must-own for any fan of “Battlestar Galactica” and they are an excellent price for a costume piece that’s not only solid, but licensed and accurate.
So say we all,
Thanks for the review! I’d been thinking about getting one of these for running. I just know it would make me feel like Starbuck.
I know the uniform is unisex…but doesn’t it look a little feminine when worn in public when people don’t recognize the BSG link? I’d like to get one..but I don’t know..
You know, while it might, it’s also going to be worn beneath a jacket while I’m wearing it, so I’m not too concerned.
Besides, while you might think it’s a tad feminine, it’s still better than those 1st season Star Trek: The Next Generation Unisex skirt/skort uniforms.