You know when you’d start a new school and they’d make you introduce yourself? You’d walk up in front of everybody and you were supposed to say something interesting about yourself and you basically thought you were going to puke?
Hi! I’m Bri, and I’m here because I sit upon a throne of long boxes. And then I realize I should probably get up, because there’s a bunch of stuff in there that I need to read.
My specific flavor of geekery tends toward the comics side of things. I was raised as an X-Men reader, but I’ve folded in some Avengers-side characters, a lot of Creator owned works, and a gradually increasing amount of DC. Generally, if it has cute art, witches, murderous ladies, a sense of humor, girl groups, girl gangs, or heists, I’m probably going to give it a shot.
Also, Jubilee. I will at least try any book containing Jubilee.
I’ll be here on Wednesdays to talk about comics I’m excited about, things I’m looking forward to, awesome characters who need some love…all kinds of things. Every week I’ll also let you know what books I’m picking up. I’ll note when a book is all-ages – beyond that, assume at least a Teen rating. Oh, and if there is some AWESOME story I’m missing out on, tell me about it!
Or never tell me about it. Because money is finite, and I have no impulse control.
Just a heads up, though: this won’t be a review of the books coming out this week. I don’t pick up until the weekend, to better allow myself time to gaze longingly at the trades I can’t afford.
Sometimes I sing Lionel Richie to them.
Tony says I have free reign for now, so let’s really push that to the limit. Just, like, really explore the boundaries of the medium. Maybe for the month of February it’ll just be videos of me, dressed like a Transformer, leaping out at people and screaming “WHAT IS BLOG?!?!”
Oh wait…these go in for approval before they post.
We’ll probably just stick to talking about comics, then.
So, as promised…
Books I’m Picking Up This Week:
Batgirl #38
…and that’s it. This is a weirdly small week for me, which MAJORLY ups the likelihood that I’ll just impulse buy something.
Great books I’m NOT picking up this week because I’m trade-waiting and WHY DID I DO THAT TO MYSELF:
Captain Marvel #11
Lazarus #14
Rat Queens #11
If you want a tidy way to track your pulls, is pretty magical. Also, support your LCS! My shop of choice is Downtown Comics, but there are lots more great shops around town. Oh, and did you read Squirrel Girl? Did you love it, or did you adore it so much you willed to it all of your worldly goods? There are no other options.
Ooh, cool new feature! I look forward to following this!
Fantastic! Looking forward to more!