Do you like cute things? Socially awkward houses? Talking dinosaurs?!?!
Of course you do. You’re a wonderful person who knows that you deserve cool things. Cool things like BOOM!’s anthology, BOOM! Box 2014 Mix Tape.
I said last week that this wouldn’t be a space for reviews, but I was surprised to find this in my pull for last week (along with an omnibus I forgot I ordered, and two Funko Pops I didn’t realize had come in. SURPRISE! I’m broke now), and I need to share its majesty.
BOOM! Studios has a lot of licensed properties – they’re the ones responsible for the Adventure Time comics, as well as Fraggle Rock, and soon even Bill and Ted. And all of those comics are AWESOME. They have interesting properties and a wide variety of interesting creators, and they’re totally worth your time. But that’s not what Mix Tape is about.
The work in Mix Tape is all creator-owned with about half of the book is made up of stand-alone comics from some fantastic creators. The other half is made of stories from BOOM! Studio’s massive slate of creator-owned on-goings. I’m cherry-picking my favorites by calling Lumberjanes, Midas Flesh, and Madeleine Flores’ upcoming Help Us! Great Warrior.
These stories are life-changing. And by that, I mean that without this comic I might never have known that Midas Flesh has talking dinosaurs in it. Talking dinosaurs, you guys. Dinosaurs…that talk. And it’s written by Ryan North, writer of Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, and person who has a proven track record with this sort of thing.
And there was a slight shift in the air and rumble underfoot as Bri’s pull list grew yet again. Grew…and almost seemed to laugh.
The Lumberjanes, and Help Us! Great Warrior stories are really fun as well – I don’t want to fail to mention that. In fact, they’re the reason I ordered this in the first place. I truly hope you’re already reading Lumberjanes, earning badges, and living a life of friendship to the max. Help Us! Great Warrior is coming out via BOOM! in a month or so, but for now you can check out older Great Warrior strips online. It’s great if you’re into funny comics potato-shaped adventurers with big swords and flawless style.
Here’s the thing, though. Since this came out last week, I can’t 100% guarantee you’ll still be able to get a physical copy. When I picked up my books on Saturday, my LCS still had copies on the shelf, so it may be worth checking. I really suggest getting a physical copy if you can. The book has an awesome wraparound cover and an awesome cassette tape pattern inside the cover. If you’re not sure where to look for it, Comic Shop Locator can help. If you’d rather get it digitally, it’s available via Comixology.
Hey look! It’s time for….
Books I’m Picking Up This Week:
All-New X-Men #35
Fables #148
Lumberjanes #10
The Wicked + The Divine #7
I’m not, but you should:
Powers #1
I follow Powers in trades, so I’m still not done with Powers: Bureau. However, if you haven’t been reading Powers over the course of its 15-year run, this is a great time to jump on. And if you’re one of the super-cool kids with a PS3, in a while you’ll get to watch the show! Try not to be too distracted by me muttering that it’s fine, no really, totally fine, I’m fine, I’m sure gif sets will be just a fun to look at, don’t mind me.
I use to tell me what I’m getting, then I get them from Downtown Comics. Then I hold them close to me and hiss at anyone who comes too near.
Definitely going to check out Powers. The BOOM stuff just doesn’t interest me, but I’m glad they found an audience because I like diversity in the kinds of books available.
Thanks for the great post!