Back in 2015, I did a Costuming Bucket List talking about all of the costumes I really want to make. Most of the way down the list is the Resistance…
Throwback Thursday – Hooray for Hollywood, Wrap-Up
(Revisit Part 1 Here) (Revisit Part 2 Here) (Revisit Part 3 Here) Summer, fall, and winter were kind of rough months, filled with job hunting,…
Throwback Thursday – Hooray for Hollywood, Pt. 3
(Revisit Part 1 Here) (Revisit Part 2 Here) In four short months, somehow I had found myself going from frantically finding work, to getting hired to work…
Throwback Thursday – Hooray for Hollywood, Pt. 2
(Revisit Pt. 1 here) Despite never having worked with any form of foam latex in my life, I have found myself in the main studio, instead of the archives, working…
Throwback Thursday – Hooray for Hollywood Pt. 1
When I first started hitting science fiction conventions, back in high school, one thing I fell in love with was the replicas of props and costumes that I saw offered…