“Listen to your body,” is something I have heard off and on as an adult. Well, you know, when you are sick or injured, it’s easy to pay attention to…
3D Printing Update – Dice Towers, Planters, and More!
Hey there, friends! It’s been a bit since I’ve written about 3D Printing, and I admit that, at least at the time of this writing, it’s been a bit since…
VoltCon Part 2: Attendees, Vendors, Sponsors, and Guests. Oh my!
Hello, and welcome to another episode of the Social Sci-Fi podcast. I am proud to share part two of the VoltCon interviews. I had a lot of fun at the…
VoltCon 2019 Part 1: Happy Birthday Voltron!
Hello again, and welcome to another episode of Social Sci-fi. For this special episode, I’m not talking about a show or a movie. Instead, I’m talking about a little convention…
Resistance Pilot Costume – Final Update
It has been a year since I last wrote about this, but it’s been a heck of a year, too. I lost one job, gained another, starting helping two new…