Hey there, my friends! Last week, I wrote about some of my experiences with conventions, with some good tips and tricks for you to make the most of your experience….
Convention Tips & Tricks
With Indy Pop Con in my rearview mirror, and Gen Con just a week and change away, convention prep weighs heavily on my mind. Now, convention prep for me has…
Costuming: A Bucket List
This week, I thought we’d take a bit of a detour from the general Geekery (h/t to Pure Geekery for the term “Geekery”), to go back to my desire to…
Costume Initiative 2015: What’s Next?
In between a 40+ hour a week job that eats up my evenings, plus working on my “media empire”, I don’t have much spare time. My Playstation 3 is gathering…
Costume Initiative: A-Wing Pilot
My favorite film series to replicate props and costumes from is the original Star Wars trilogy: Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. In the past,…